Friday, May 4, 2012

Interview with Author Ann Mauren

First let me just start by saying how excited I am to be doing an interview with Ann! Words cannot describe the joy. For those of you who do not know, Ann Mauren is the Author of In the Spolight, it's the first book in the trilogy The Mayne Attraction. I have made a post about this book already so if you want to know more about the book hop on over to my review. :)
Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A:Actually, I’m still not quite sure I want to be a writer. It’s much harder than I imagined. It calls for focus, discipline, creativity and skin as thick as alligator hide. Percentage-wise I’m batting about 250 in the requirements department. In The Spotlight was the first story I’d ever written with the intent to publish, and that processes began in the summer of 2009 after the birth of my second child.
Q: How long does it take you to write a book? A: Much, much longer than it should. But I have a toddler. (Can I use that as an excuse?) Actually, ‘Spotlight’ took from September 2009 to April 2010 to complete. All things considered, I’m okay with that. Q: What is your work schedule like when you're writing? A: I have a day job in an office, a home to run, a husband, a fourth-grader and a toddler. When I’m not changing somebody’s diaper, or checking somebody’s homework, or ironing somebody’s pants, or chipping away at a to-do list that doesn’t have a bottom, I’m…tired. But if I want to get some writing done, I stay up late to do it. The upside is that sleep deprivation has made for some interesting inspirations, creatively speaking.
: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? A: I draw on personal experiences for some story elements and I do a fair amount of research on things that I’m not familiar with. I have no idea how anybody got anything done before Google.
Q: What do you like to do when you're not writing? A: I love to curl up with my Kindle in a comfy, quiet spot and escape into an alternate reality—one where I’m not responsible for making all the problems work out!
Q: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? A: I’ve learned that a person with emotions is on the other end of a book review that I write, so it’s important to be tactful and kind, and in some cases it’s better to just keep quiet. Being an author, I understand now how important reviews are, how they impact potential readers, and the effect they have on authors. If I enjoy a book, I make it a point now to leave a favorable comment on Amazon. It’s the least I can do, and it makes another person (the book’s author) very happy. Q: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? A: I ask for feedback from readers on my website and many have obliged me. Some just want to say hi and tell me they enjoyed the story, others have questions or share observations about the characters or themes in the book, but most people want to know when the next installment in the series is scheduled for release. It always makes my day to hear from a reader--always. Q: What do you think makes a good story? A: I enjoy clever, unpredictable story lines, endearing, relatable characters and appealing, richly described settings. Oh, and laughing. Lots and lots of laughing.
Random silly questions Q: If a grilled cheese and a day old taco got in a fight who do you think would win? A: Sorry, but nobody wins in that scenario because the health inspector shuts the fight down before it can start.
Q: If you were an animal what would you be? A: I’d love to say Orca because I’m an apex predator kind of gal, but we all know I’m really more of a clown fish.
Quick response questions for fun :) Favorite pizza topping? Banana peppers Cats or Dogs? Wait, are you trying to get me in trouble? Summer or Winter? Well, Fall, actually. Vanilla or Chocolate? Is that a question? Chocolate, of course. Cookies or Cake? That depends. Normally a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie is the high card in my dessert deck, but cheesecake is the ultimate treat trump card, wouldn’t you agree? Places to connect with Ann: on Twitter @AnnMauren, on her website at, and on Facebook . Ann’s books at Amazon: Mayne Attraction: In The Spotlight Barefoot Heroine: A Mayne Attraction Short Story

1 comment:

  1. What a fun interview! And I'm laughing hysterically at your graphics between the questions!!! Thanks so much for taking time for me, Karie!
