Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Demons at deadnight

Just finished Demons at deadnight! I loved all the main characters. Aurora was snarky, Ayden was Sexy and funny yet serious all at the same time. Jayden was smart but not so commen sense smart which made me laugh. Blake kinda full of himself but also adorable and funny. Matthias very series and kind of a jerk at times but when he shows his sensitive side you cant help but fall in love with him. Tristan is sweet and passionate. And last but not least Logan was quit but when he did open up he was sweet. Yes there are six main guys in the book thank goodness not all of them are aiming for Aurora's attention but they are concerned about her safety. Aurora is a Divinicus which is very rare for a woman to be but she basically is able to track demons, Only Aurora and her guardian angel Gloria know that she is a divinicus. The hex boys as you come to know them are Demon hunters trying to protect a human as they know it from demons that have it out for her. At times Aurora could be a little agravating because she just couldnt let her guard down and trust the guys which is understandable but it just ends up leading her into trouble. I loved the plot of this book and cannot wait for the second book to be released so I can find out who the new mystery person is that got introduced on the last page. Talk about a freaking cliff hanger!

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